Profile de l'Université

ECOTES University


Ecole De Techniciens Superieurs Du Benin (ECO.TE.S BENIN) is a private hugher learning institution established in Benin Republic in the year 2003 by Mr. Dansou Felix DOSSA.

ECO.TE.S Benin University values academic excellence, life-changing research, compassionate health care and a strong commitment to faith and service. For nearly 15 year, the university has gone beyond teaching facts and figures, encouraging students to form ideas and identities.Today,ECO.TE.S Benin University students aree increasing and seeking to mold their lives into something stronger, due to the seriousness and the quality of final products we release into the job market.

Conditions d'admission

See courses catalog.

Les avantages de faire ses études ici

The university has invested vast resources to advance academic programs and enhance the student experience. ECO.TE.S also has built a good and strong relationship with the ministry of education in Nigeria and well known worldwide. The university's commitment to community service hass earned it national acclaim and bolstered its status as among the best universities in Benin republic.

In ECO.TE.S Benin's Classrooms, ethics, spirituality and compassion are fundamental, no matter what te subject. Most of ECO.TE.S BENIN's courses integrate service into academics and this spirit pervades campus; ECO.TE.S BENIN's students, faculty and staff provide more service hours each year.

Bourses d'étude et financement


Accréditation & Distinctions


Nous contacter

  • Tel: 00229 9682-7102
  • Adresse: N'venanmede derriere PTT Pk3 03 BP:0486, , Cotonou, Benin
  • Email:
  • Site Web:
  • Nombre de formations: 21
Voir les formations Voir le site web de l'université